CCR doesn’t believe in succeeding commercially all that time. CCR’s another Core Value is Care for Communities. Many urban and rural communities, like many other facilities, have no access to justice system due to illiteracy, lack of awareness, lack of assistance, misguidance, poverty, discrimination is to name a few.
As a part of Social Individual Responsibility(ISR) initiative CCR in collaboration with Ananya-Women@Work and Nishkriti Foundation(Non-Profit Trust) is providing a forum for dispute resolution and conflicting parties engagement at the earliest stages of conflict in communities. We offer our services free of cost through mediation clinics and ADR events in various communities without discrimination on the basis of caste, language religion, gender, age, disabilities, or sexual orientation and strictly adhere
to communal diversity.
CCR is providing opportunities in communities to represent their issues to an expert team for an amicable solution at any stage of a conflict through mediation and conciliation methodology. The teams are well trained experts in various fields and signup with CCR as volunteers. CCR periodically provides additional free of cost trainings and workshops to the volunteers to upgrade their skills.
The agenda of CCR’s pro-bono work is advocating, initiating, facilitating, and serving the communities and restoring relationships to effect positive systemic change.
Our Mission is “Engaging in public awareness and educational activities about the values and practices of mediation and other ADR methods and setting the mindset for “Resolution Through Communication” .